
Energy efficiency and climate change

Climate Change

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Russia signed the Paris Climate Agreement in 2016. It should replace the Kyoto Protocol, which is effective until 2020. Climate change can have a serious impact on human life and health, ecosystems, biodiversity, and water resources of the planet, and can affect the economic development of countries.

Global warming is also an effect of man-made greenhouse gas emissions.

The company shares global concern over climate change and is therefore taking the following key steps to protect the climate and reduce greenhouse gas emissions:

  • planning and assessment of design documentation relating to environmental protection and assessment of environmental impact;
  • accounting and control of greenhouse gas emissions;

  • productive use of oil-associated gas and reduce flaring thereof;

  • equipment inspection and troubleshooting so as to avoid and monitor leakages;

  • efforts towards minimising hydrocarbons losses;

  • implementing programmes aimed at improving energy efficiency of production processes;

  • implementing strategy and action plan for forest restoration.

The company’s performance in relation to greenhouse gases emissions is shown in the sustainable development reports.

Energy Efficiency

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The effective use of energy resources contributes to the enhancement of productivity, helps to optimise production and reduce environmental impact.

The company assets are designed to allow the use of the best available technologies for reducing and (or) minimising environmental impact and ensuring rational use of natural resources.

The key energy efficiency practices that the company already employs tend to increase equipment maintainability, ensure its failure-free service and automate the process flow.

The main consumer of energy resources is the LNG plant, which, according to Shell estimates, continues to lead the world in meeting reliability, operational excellence and energy efficiency targets, in comparison to corporate groups.

The company’s performance in relation to energy production and use is shown in the sustainable development reports.