
Sakhalin Energy Has Appointed Chief Executive Officer

Sakhalin Energy LLC, the Sakhalin-2 operator, has appointed Roman Dashkov as the Chief Executive Officer of Sakhalin Energy LLC on 4 April 2024.

The decision was taken by the General Meeting of Members of Sakhalin Energy LLC on 4 April 2024.

Roman Dashkov is a graduate of Gubkin Russian State University of Oil and Gas and Plekhanov Russian University of Economics.

Mr Dashkov previously worked at the Orenburg, Yamburg, and Yamal oil, gas, and condensate fields.

In 1998, he began his career as an oil and gas production operator at Yamburggazdobycha facility and throughout the decades has gained long-term hands-on experience in engineering, technical, and administrative segments of business within the PJSC Gazprom group of companies. Fr om 2002 onward, he has held the positions of Chief Process Engineer and Deputy Head of Subdivision within the Gas, Gas Condensate, and Oil Production Department. During the period of 2009−2013, he served as Deputy Director General for Business Development at Gazprom Dobycha Nadym LLC, wh ere he was directly involved in the launch of the Bovanenkovo field in Yamal.

On 22 February 2013, he assumed the powers and duties of the Chief Executive Officer at the Sakhalin-2 project.

For his significant and long-lasting personal contribution to the development of the fuel and energy sector, he has been consequently merited with various corporate and governmental awards. In 2020, he was honoured with the medal of the Order For Merit to the Fatherland.

5 April 2024
