The RBC+ federal TV channel film crew visited the Russia EXPO-Forum and prepared Territory of Business – a special report dedicated to the experience and the future of the Sakhalin-2 project operator. Over the course of its 30-year long history, it has become a driver for the development of the oil and gas industry in the Sakhalin Oblast. This topic took the spotlight at the region’s stand presented at VDNKh.
It tells the story of the innovator company, whose experience proved to be decisive for solving the urgent issues of the Russian fuel and energy sector. Furthermore, the resource base and the production capacity of the innovative project enabled the island’s economic growth. Throughout the years of successful operation, Sakhalin Energy has established itself as the forefront of the best industry competencies and continues to maintain this status today.
“Today, we are working to expand the potential achieved over the 30 years of the Sakhalin-2 project implementation and to extend this approach to other offshore fields of the Sakhalin Oblast to ensure effective monetisation of the resources. We are eager to work for the benefit and further development of the economic independence of the Russian Federation,” says Roman Dashkov, Chief Executive Officer of Sakhalin Energy LLC and the lead speaker at the stand.
23 April 2024